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Professor Dr. Johanna Pink


Pink, Johanna


Professor Dr. Johanna Pink

Professor of Islamic Studies and the History of Islam

phone: +49 (0)761 -203 3144
Werthmannstraße 6, Vorderhaus, 2. Stock
For my current research project, visit our website:


Office hours

Thursday 9-10.30am or by arrangement. Please register prior by sending an email.

Research interests

  • Global dimensions of Muslim Qur’anic exegesis and Qur’an translation
  • Transnational Islamic publishing, multilingualism and translation
  • Muslim religious discourses in the age of empires and nation states
  • Muslim controversies on the status of non-Muslims 
  • The modern history of Egypt


Selected publications



Muslim Qur’anic interpretation today. Media, genealogies and interpretive communities. Sheffield: Equinox, 2019.

Geschichte Ägyptens. Von der Spätantike bis zur Gegenwart. München: C.H.Beck 2014.

Sunnitischer Tafsir in der modernen islamischen Welt. Akademische Traditionen, Popularisierung und nationalstaatliche Interessen. Leiden: Brill 2011.

Neue Religionsgemeinschaften in Ägypten. Minderheiten im Spannungsfeld von Glaubensfreiheit, öffentlicher Ordnung und Islam, Würzburg: Ergon 2003.


Edited publications

General editor, Encylopaedia of the Qurʾān Online. Leiden: Brill.

Johanna Pink (ed.): Qurʾan translation in Indonesia. Scriptural politics in a multilingual state. London: Routledge 2023.

Translations of the Qurʾān in Muslim majority contexts. Sonderband des Journal of Qurʾānic Studies, 17,3 (2015).

Johanna Pink und Andreas Görke (eds.): Tafsīr and Islamic intellectual history. Exploring the boundaries of a genre. Oxford: Oxford University Press / Institute of Ismaili Studies 2014.


Journal articles

"The Kyai’s voice and the Arabic Qur’an: Translation, orality, and print in modern Java." Wacana 21,3 (2020), 329-359.

"Form follows function. Notes on the arrangement of texts in printed Qur’an translations." Journal of Qur'anic Studies 19,1 (2017), 138–150.

"‘Literal meaning’ or ‘correct ʿaqīda’? The reflection of theological controversy in Indonesian Qur’an translations." Journal of Qurʾānic Studies 17,3 (2015), 100–120.

"Tradition, authority and innovation in contemporary Sunni tafsīr. Towards a typology of Qur’anic commentaries from the Arab World, Indonesia and Turkey." Journal of Qur’anic Studies 12 (2010), 56–82.

"Tradition and ideology in contemporary Sunnite Qur'anic exegesis. Qur'anic commentaries from the Arab World, Turkey and Indonesia and their interpretation of Q 5:51." Welt des Islams 50,1 (2010), 3–59.

"The concept of freedom of belief and its boundaries in Egypt. Jehovah's Witnesses and the Baha'i Faith between established religions and an authoritarian state." Culture & Religion 6,1 (2005), 135–160.

"A Post-Qur'anic religion between apostasy and public order. Egyptian muftis and courts on the legal status of the Bahāʾī Faith." Islamic Law and Society 10,3 (2003), 409–434.


Entries in encyclopaedias and handbooks

"Translation" In: George Archer, Maria M. Dakake (eds.),  The Routledge companion to the Qurʾān. Abingdon and New York: Routledge 2021, 364-376.

"Dekolonisation" In: Ronald Asch, Achim Aurnhammer, Georg Feitschner and Anna Schreurs-Morét (eds.),  Compendium Heroicum. Freiburg, August 2018. https://www.compendium-heroicum.de/lemma/dekolonisation/.

"Riḍā, Rashīd." In: Jane Dammen McAuliffe (ed.), Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān Supplement. Leiden: Brill 2017. http://referenceworks.brillonline.com/entries/encyclopaedia-of-the- quran/rida-rashid-EQCOM_050503.

"Modern and contemporary interpretation of the Qurʾān." In: Andrew Rippin and Jawid Mojaddedi (eds.), The Blackwell companion to the Qurʾān. 2. Auflage, Oxford: Blackwell 2017, 479–492.

"ʿAbduh, Muḥammad." In: Encycopaedia of the Qurʾān Supplement. Leiden: Brill 2015.

"Striving for a new exegesis of the Qur’an." In: Sabine Schmidtke (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Islamic theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016, 765–792.

"Der Islam und die nichtislamischen Minderheiten." In: Werner Ende und Udo Steinbach (eds.): Der Islam in der Gegenwart. 5. Auflage, München: C.H. Beck 2005, 733-742.
English edition: "Islam and non-Islamic minorities." In: Werner Ende und Udo Steinbach (eds.), Islam in the world today. Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2010, 733–742.


Book chapters

"Eight shades of Ibn Kathīr. The afterlives of a premodern Qur’anic commentary in contemporary Indonesian translations." In: Majid Daneshgar and Erwan Nurtawab (eds.), Malay-Indonesian Islamic Studies. Festschrift in honour of Peter Riddell. Leiden: Brill, 2022, 109-133.

"Tafsir as Discourse. Institutions, norms and authority." In: Majid Daneshgar and Aaron Hughes (eds.), Deconstructing Islamic Studies. Mizan Series 4. Boston: Ilex Foundation 2020, 53-76.

"The global Islamic tradition and the nation state in the contemporary Muslim exegesis of the Qur’an." In: Mun’im Sirry (ed.), New Trends in Qur'anic Studies. Text, Context and Interpretation. IQSA monograph series. Atlanta: Lockwood, 193-210.

"The fig, the olive and the cycles of prophethood. Q 95:1–3 and the image of history in early 20th-century Qurʾanic exegesis." In: Majid Daneshgar and Walid Saleh (eds.), Islamic Studies today. A Festschrift in Honor of Andrew Rippin. Leiden: Brill 2016, 317–38.


Research projects



Orientalisches Seminar

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