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International Conference and Workshop: The Translation of the Qur’an in Indonesia


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Organised by
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Department of Islamic Studies, and
Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, School of Graduate Studies

Yogyakarta, July 30-31, 2018

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July 30

9.00–9.40Opening (Convention hall)
PLENARY SESSION: Dynamics of Qur’an translation in modern Indonesia (Convention hall)



Moch. Nur Ichwan, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: Against (Literal) Translation of the Qur’an in early 20th and 21st century Indonesia: the Cases of Sayyid Uthman and Muhammad Thalib
10.20–10.50  Coffee break
10.50–11.30Fadhli Lukman, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: The State as Religious Actor: the History and Politics of Al-Qur’an dan terjemahnya



Al Makin, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: Qur’an Translation and Interpretation by a New Prophet: Ahmad Mushaddeq’s and Mahful Muis’ Syncretic Innovative Approach of Reading the Qur’an, New and Old Testaments
12.10–13.40 Lunch break
 Panel A1: Regional languages
(Aula Pascasarjana)
 Panel B1: Education
(PAU, 1st floor)



Farida Repelita Waty Kembaren, UIN North Sumatra, Medan: The Translator’s Intention in Translating Surah Al-Waqi‘ah into Angkola Language

 Amalia Putri Astari, Universitas Indonesia: Children’s World in The Qur’an: an Analysis of the Qur’an’s Translation in a Children’s Book




Mohamad Sahal Sobirin, UIN Walisongo, Semarang/ Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: The Translation of the Qur’an into the Oldest Javanese Language: Compromising the "No-Etiquette" Banyumasan with the Holiness of the Scripture       Cucu Surahman, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung: The Influence of an Educational Approach in Translating the Qur’an: a Critical Analysis of Works of Tafsir Tarbawi in Indonesia
15.00–15.30Prayer and coffee break
 Student panel A: Regional languages (Aula Pascasarjana) Student panel B: Textual politics (PAU, 1st floor)




Siti Mariatul Kiptiyah, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: The Translation of the Qur’an in Carakan Script and Javanese Reformist Muslim Theology           


 Muhammad Dluha Luthfillah, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: Post-Islamism and the Sexual-Textual Politics in Indonesian Quran Translations for Women





Imaduddin Muhammad Wildan, UIN Sharif Hidayatullah, Jakarta: Easily Understanding the Qur’an and Preserving Local Identity: The Study of Nur Hidayah Saritilawah Basa Sunda Al-Quran


 Muhammad Saifullah, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: An Exploration of Oemar Bakrie’s Critical Translation of the Qur’an in response to H.B. Jassin and Their Engagement with Moslem Politics





Dara Humaira, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: The Aesthetic Reception of the Qur’an: a Study on the Use of Nazham in the Al-Qur’an Al-Karim dan Terjemahan Bebas Bersajak dalam Bahasa Aceh by Mahjiddin Jusuf  
19.00Conference dinner



July 31

PLENARY SESSION: Qur’an translations into regional languages of Indonesia (Aula Pascasarjana)



Faried F. Saenong, PSQ & PTIQ Jakarta, and Stout Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington: Vernacularising the Scripture: Renderings of the Qur’an in the Bugis-Makassar Realm (19th–21st Centuries)
9.40–10.20 Johanna Pink, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: Javanese Qur’an Translation and Qur’anic Dialogue: Thoughts about Hierarchies, Orality and the Concept of Translation
10.20–10.50 Coffee break
10.50–11.30Jajang A. Rohmana, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung: Sundanese Translations of the Qur’an in West Java: Characteristics and the Limits of Translation   


Wardatun Nadhiroh, UIN Antasari, Banjarmasin: Models of Qur’an Translation in Banjarese Works in the 20th–21st Century: A Preliminary Search of the Language, Script, and Function of the Qur’anic Translation in Tanah Banjar
12.10–13.40Lunch break
 Panel B2: Education
(Aula Pascasarjana)
 Panel C: Politics and media
(PAU, 1st floor)



Ahmad Rafiq, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: The Atomic Translation of the Qur’an in the Primary Book of Islamic Studies for High School in Indonesia: from Copying to Ideologizing           Munirul Ikhwan, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: Revitalization of Indonesian Public Islam and Islamist Translation of the Qur’an




Fathurrofiq, STIQSI, Sendangagung/ Al Hikmah School of Surabaya: The Sensibility of the Qur’an’s Word by Word Translation into Indonesian Language: The Reception Theory on Teachers of Qur’an Translation in Surabaya                

Abdoel Halim, IAIN Surakarta: Digital Qu’ran Translation: Finding God’s Aim in Translation Apps


15.00–15.30Prayer and coffee break
 Panel A2: Regional languages
(Aula Pascasarjana)
Panel D: Gender
(PAU, 1st floor)




Saifuddin Dhuhri, IAIN Lhokseumawe, Aceh: Representation of God in Local Exegetical Works. A Comparative Study of As-Singkili’s Tarjuman Al-Mustafid and Tafsir Al-Quran Bersajak Aceh     
 Hamam Faizin, UIN Sharif Hidayatullah, Jakarta: Toward a Gender-Sensitive Translation of Qur’an: the Revision of al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnja




Irma Riyani/ Izzah Faizah/ Dadang Darmawan, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung: Preferred Word Choice: Variation of Translations in Sundanese Qur’anic Translation and Tafsir               


 Akhmad Supriadi, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: Gender and Sexuality in the Indonesian Official Translation of the Quran: Shifts, Dynamics, and Continuity




Regina Zahara, UIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya: The Advantages of the Qur’an Translation al-Ibrīz in Understanding the Meaning of the Qur’an’s Content and Preserving Javanese Literature in Indonesia

 Muhammad Alfatih Suryadilaga, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: Translated Verses of Leadership in QS. al-Nisa (4): 34 in Indonesia in a Gender Perspective



The whole programme available for download.




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